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Environmental Consulting Services


B&A has extensive experiences and expertise in the following areas:

  • NEPA and SEQR site assessments.
  • Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments.
  • Subsurface investigations including soil borings and well installations.
  • Groundwater monitoring, sampling, and aquifer testing.
  • Tank closures and remedial excavations.
  • Non-hazardous and hazardous waste management including characterization, separation, transportation, and recycling/disposal.
  • In-situ and ex-situ treatment of soils and groundwater.
  • Analytical testing characterization and data interpretation.

B&A has provided services for several types of clients including general contractors, developers, non-profit organizations, private property owners, property sellers and public departments.

We work in conjunction with several approved local analytical laboratories for soil and water testing with current procedures and standards.