Field Testing Equipment
B&A owns and operates numerous pieces of field testing equipment:
- Pile Dynamics, Inc. Cross-Hole Analyzer (CHA) and associated tooling.
- Durham Geo Slope Indicator Digitilt Inclinometer Probe, DataMate Data Recorder and DigiPro Software.
- Durham Geo Slope Indicator Water Level Indicator (300 feet).
- FACE Dipstick 2200 Floor Profiler.
- MiniRAE 2000 Photoionization Detector (PID).
- GfG Instrumentation G450 Four Gas Detector.
- Wagner Electronics Rapid RH (Relative Humidity) System.
- L&R, Inc. Mini-Res Resistivity Meter and Sensor Array.
- Cole Palmer pH and Conductivity Meters.
- Pentax R-315 Total Station with Horizon Prism and Poles.
- Pentax Optical Level.
- CPN and Troxler Nuclear Density Gauges.
- James Instruments, Inc. NDT Rebound Hammer.
- GeoVision Down-Hole Inspection Video Camera.
- GeoProbe Rigs and specialty tooling for soil & water sampling.
About this Service
Barron & Associates, P.C. offers a wide array of environmental testing and consulting services to ensure our clients are compliant with Federal or State regulations, or have performed their due diligence pursuant to commercial, industrial, agricultural and residential property transactions.

Call For a Quote:
(716) 759-7821
In The News
New Services Offered
Barron & Associates, PC, now offering UAV, 3D photography, and high definition laser scanning services. Precise measurements are key to any successful construction project. By employing cutting edge technology, B&A is now able to provide this...
UAV mapping highways in Nepal
In response to the devastating earthquake of 2015, B&A worked with multiple US and Nepali agencies to assist in mapping nearly 100 kilometers of highways in Nepal. Using both UAV and manned helicopters, multiple highway segments were documented. The...
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Contact Us
10440 Main Street Clarence, NY 14031
(716) 759-7821