Our Services

Geotechnical Consulting

Inspections & Testing
“When you need your consultant ON-TIME and ON-SITE – We’re There”
Barron & Associates, P.C. (B&A) is a geotechnical consulting firm specializing in subsurface soil investigations and foundation design recommendations. Founded in 1989, B&A has provided comprehensive geotechnical assessments for thousands of commercial and residential projects in Western New York. B&A, and our sister company Buffalo Drilling Company, provide an extensive range of geotechnical, quality assurance, and construction services, which include:
- Geotechnical Engineering and Foundation Design Services
- Geotechnical Drilling for Soil and Rock Sampling
- Special Inspections
- Laboratory and Material Testing Services
- Aerial Photography and Geospatial Mapping
We provide quality and cost efficient professional and construction services for both large and small projects. Please consider our firm in the proposal process for your next project. We look forward to working with you in the future.